* Khayem Erasmus AZ BSCL1

Hips: A (1,1) Elbows: Z (0,0)
DOB: 27 March 2008
Sire: * Andacht Don Pedro AZ (*Andacht Shakespeare AZ/*Turnberry Super Impose AZ)
Dam: * Freevale Play For Keeps AZ
Linebreeding: 4-4 *Bedwins Siegaro (imp UK) AZ
Fergus was returned to us in December 2008 as his family moved to the UK for work and could not take him with them. He has fulfilled his promise as a lovely young dog and has joined our show team. While he still needs a lot of training to develop the ring experience of his contemporaries, having never been shown until he was an adult, we are pleased with the progress that he is making in the ring.
Fergus stands very much in the type of his father and is a glamorous male with black eyes and mask and excellent strength.
Fergus is the litter brother to our girl Dallas and has achieved the same wonderful hip and elbow results as his brothers and sisters from Danni. Like his mother, he is highly play driven and likes nothing better than a game of tug or chasing a ball. He is very much my dog and I am never out of his sight when at home and he is always laying at my feet while I am on the computer or watching TV! He is also Vesper’s favourite play mate. Fergus is also our “puppy nanny”, taking charge of our 6 week old babies as we start to separate them from their mothers – he is their protector and trainer and is always gentle and very, very tolerant!
Fergus attained Breed Survey Class 1 under John Hugo in April 2010. The description from his Breed Survey reads:
“A very large, over medium strong dog of very good type and good length of neck. Very good head and expression with the desired dark eye. High wither, firm back, good length and lay of the croup. Good fore and very good hindquarter angulation. Very good fore and underchest development. The dog stands correct in front. Moves correct coming and going.In movement he displays a willingness to run with powerful drive and far reaching gait where the back remains firm. Character self assured. Gun sure.
Particular Virtues and Faults:
Standing on the upper limit of size, a dog that impresses with his overall type, with a very good head and expression and a much desired dark eye.
Advice, Recommendations & Warnings for Selection of a Breeding Partner:
Suitable for bitches needing improvement with overall type, colour and pigmentation. Due consideration should be given to size when selecting a breeding partner. To consolidate his normal elbow result, only suitable for animals with normal elbows.“
Fergus is the sire of our “H” litter. His son, Khayem Highland Heart – “Duncan”, has joined our show team.
Fergus’ Show results:
- 5th Very Good Junior Dog, GSDL State Breed Assessment August 2009, Reg Bonello (NSW)
- 5th Very Good Intermediate Dog, GSDL October 2009, Ian Urie (Vic).
- 6th Very Good Intermediate Dog, NHRGSDC Breed Assessment, March 2010, Carol O'Rourke (Qld)
- 10th Very Good Intermediate Dog, GSDL Easter Show, April 2010, Margit van Dorssen (SV Germany)
- 15th Very Good Intermediate Dog, 38th National Show & Trial, April 2010, Herr Frank Goldlust (SV Germany) (25 exhibits)
- 11th Very Good Open Dog, Spring Fair November 2010, Mr Dennis Vessey (UK)